Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • An Introduction to Entrepreneur Development Box

    • Welcome to the Course: Building the Business Structure with the StartBook Program

    • Student's Testimonies after taking this Course

    • Student's Testimony Survey

    • Overview of the StartBook

    • The StartBook Program Workbook

    • StartBook Verses

    • Effectively Using your Workbook

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    Module 1: You

    • An Introduction to Session 1: Finding your Identity

    • Session 1: Video Lesson

    • Session 1 Quiz: Finding your Identity

    • Activity: Grow in Character - Which entrepreneurial character traits are you strong in and which could you improve in?

    • Session 1 Assignment: Character Assessment

    • An Introduction to Session 2: Finding Where your Skills and Passions Align

    • Session 2: Video Lesson

    • Session 2 Quiz: Finding where your Skills and Passions Align with a Need

    • Session 2 Assignment: Select one aspect of your business to spend time to THINK. WRITE. ACT. on.

    • An Introduction to Session 3: How does your Business Fit with your Life Plan?

    • Session 3: Video Lesson

    • Session 3 Quiz: How does your Business fit with your Life Plan?

    • Session 3 Assignment: Adapt Business to Your Life Plan - Reflect on the Purpose of Your Life

    • Module 1 Summary: You - Learn what makes a mature entrepreneur. Assess yourself and plan to grow.

    • Module 1 - You: Think. Write. Act.

    • Character Trait Assessment

    • Guide for Effective Decision Making

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    Module 2: Solution

    • An Introduction to Session 4: Finding Unique Solutions

    • Session 4: Video Lesson

    • Session 4 Quiz: Finding a Unique Solution

    • Session 4 Assignment: Choose a Problem to Solve or a new product to offer customers.

    • An Introduction to Session 5: Reduce Risk through Research

    • Session 5: Video Lesson

    • Session 5 Quiz: Reduce Risk through Research

    • Session 5 Assignment: Research whether customers would pay for your chosen solution.

    • An Introduction to Session 6: Produce Efficiently

    • Session 6: Video Lesson

    • Session 6 Quiz: Produce Efficiently

    • Session 6 Assignment: Identify Critical Processes

    • Module 2 Summary : Solution - Create a unique solution to a real problem, letting your customers’ input shape your product or service. Build your business identity around that solution and design systems to produce your product efficiently and safely.

    • Module 2 - Solution: Think. Write. Act.

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    Module 3: People

    • An Introduction to Session 7: Treat People with Dignity

    • Session 7: Video Lesson

    • Session 7 Quiz: Treat People With Dignity

    • Session 7 Assignment: Determine what is needed to create products and get them to customers based on what was learned in the Competitor Survey.

    • An Introduction to Session 8: Peers and Mentors

    • Session 8: Video Lesson

    • Session 8 Quiz: Peers and Mentors

    • Session 8 Assignment: Identify Supporting Relationships

    • An Introduction to Session 9: Partners and Employees

    • Session 9: Video Lesson

    • Session 9 Quiz: Partners and Empolyees

    • Session 9 Assignment: Employees

    • Module 3 Summary: People - Appreciate and learn from these groups of people who are vital to your success. Build trusting win-win relationships with them.

    • Module 3 - People: Think. Write. Act.

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    Module 4A: Money - Cash Flow

    • An Introduction to Session 10: Savings or Loans?

    • Session 10: Video Lesson

    • Session 10 Quiz: Savings or Loans

    • Session 10 Assignment: Plan to Save

    • An Introduction to Session 11: Cash Flow

    • Session 11: Video Lesson

    • Session 11 Quiz: Cash Flow

    • Session 11 Assignment: Cash Flow

    • Financial Tracking Worksheets

    • Developing a System for Tracking and Monitoring Costs

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    Module 4B: Money - Proper Mindset

    • An Introduction to Session 12: Pricing for Profit

    • Session 12: Video Lesson

    • Session 12 Quiz: Pricing for Profit

    • Session 12 Assignment: Inventory

    • An Introduction to Session 13: Paying Yourself and Giving Back

    • Session 13: Video Lesson

    • Session 13 Quiz: Paying Yourself and Giving Back

    • Session 13 Assignment: Review these key money principles to determine if you are on the right path.

    • Module 4 Summary: Money - There’s never enough money for everything, so you must direct it toward your priorities. Diligently follow these best practices to control your money and patiently build wealth.

    • Module 4 - Money: Think. Write. Act.

    • Contribution Margin Case Study

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    Module 5A: Preparing to Launch

    • An Introduction to Session 14: Smart Location and the Right Tools

    • Session 14: Video Lesson

    • Session 14 Quiz: Smart Location and the Right Tools

    • Session 14 Assignment: Effective Decision Making

    • An Introduction to Session 15: Comply with Legal Requirements

    • Session 15: Video Lesson

    • Session 15 Quiz: Comply with Legal Requirements

    • Session 15 Assignment: Complying with Legal Requirements

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    Module 5B: Launching

    • An Introduction to Session 16: Learning from a Soft Launch

    • Session 16: Video Lesson

    • Session 16 Quiz: Learning From A Soft Launch

    • Session 16 Assignment: Customer Experience Map for either your business or a business near you if you do not have a business.

    • Module 5 Summary: Launch - Give attention to these important details to plan a successful launch.

    • Module 5 - Launch: Think. Write. Act.

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    Module 6A: Customers - Identifying your Ideal Customers

    • An Introduction to Session 17: Ideal Customer

    • Session 17: Video Lesson

    • Session 17 Quiz: Ideal Customer

    • Session 17 Assignment: Identify your Ideal Customer

    • An Introduction to Session 18: Marketing Message

    • Session 18: Video Lesson

    • Session 18 Quiz: Marketing Message

    • Session 18 Assignment: Marketing Message

    • An Introduction to Session 19: Growing Sales

    • Session 19: Video Lesson

    • Session 19 Quiz: Growing Sales

    • Session 19 Assignment: Growing Sales

    • 7 Keys to Marketing Messages that Attract Customers

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    Module 6B: Customer - Growing Sales

    • An Introduction to Session 20: Benefits of an Extraordinary Customer Experience

    • Session 20: Video Lesson

    • Session 20 Quiz: Benefits of an Extraordinary Customer Experience

    • Session 20 Assignment: Define Next Steps

    • Module 6 Summary: Customers - Identify your ideal customers and find the right message and means to reach them. Make them so happy that they bring their friends to you.

    • Module 6 - Customer: Think. Write. Act.

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    Bonus 1: Our Call to Action

    • Our Call to Action

    • Video: Our Call to Action

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    Bonus 2: Joining a Business Club (Peer Group)

    • Join an Online Entrepreneur Development Business Club!

    • Business Club (Peer Group) Members

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    Bonus 3: Business Plans and Other Resources

    • COSTARTERS-Canvas

    • EDB Business Plan Template

    • EDB Business Assessment